
Dr. Muhammad Shafiur Rahman
Associate Professor
Ph.D in Food Process Engineering, GNU, South Korea, Post-doc. Food Science and Technology (South Korea))
- Rahman
MS, Kim AN, Lee KY…… Choi SG, Phospholipids molecular
species, proteins secondary structure, and emulsion microstructure of egg
yolk with reduced polar and/or nonpolar lipids. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 233 (2023) 123529; IF=8.03 Elsevier Netherland
- Rahman
MS, Seo
JK, Choi
Gul K, Yang HS, Physicochemical
characteristics and microbial safety of defatted bovine heart and its lipid
extracted with supercritical-CO2 and solvent extraction. LWT-Food
Science and Technology, (2018), 97, 355-361. IF=6.05 Elsevier Netherland
- Rahman MS, Seo JK, Choi SG, Gul K, Yang HS, Physicochemical characteristics and microbial safety of defatted bovine heart and its lipid extracted with supercritical-CO2 and solvent extraction.LWT-Food Science and Technology, (2018), 97, 355-361. IF=4.95 Elsevier Netherland
- Rahman MS, Gul K, Yang HS, Chun J, Kerr WL, Choi SG. Thermal and functional characteristics of defatted bovine heart using supercritical-CO2 and organic solvent. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2019; 99: 816–823 IF=3.64 Wiley, USA
- Lee KY, Rahman MS,Kim AN,Gul K, .. Kerr WL, Choi SG,Effect of freeze-thaw pretreatment on yield and quality of perilla seed oil, LWT-Food Science and Technology, (2020), 122, 109026. IF=4.95 Elsevier
- Rahman MS,Go GW,Seo JK, Gul K, Choi SG, Yang HS. Thiol concentration, structural and gelling properties of bovine heart protein concentrates,LWT-Food Science and Technology, (2019), 11, 175-181 IF=4.95 Elsevier Netherland
- Rahman MS,Seo JK, Choi SG, Yang HS.Physicochemical properties, sensory traits and storage stability of reduced-fat frankfurters formulated by replacing beef tallow with defatted bovine heart, Meat Science, 151, 89-97 IF=5.21 Elsevier, UK
- Lee KY, Rahman MS,Kim AN,Gul K, …. Kerr WL, Choi SG,Supercritical fluid tomato extract for stabilization of perilla oil subjected to thermal treatment, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation,44(3), e14367, IF=2.19 Wiley, USA
- Sabikun N, Bakhsh A, Rahman MS,…Joo ST. Volatile and nonvolatile taste compounds and their correlation with umami and flavor characteristics of chicken nuggets added with milkfat and potato mash, Food Chemistry,343, 128499. IF=7.51 Elsevier, UK
- Lee KY, Rahman MS, Kim AN,, .. Kerr WL,Choi SG. Oil yield, physicochemical characteristics, oxidative stability and microbial safety of perilla seeds stored at different relative humidity, Industrial Crops and Products,165, 113431 IF=5.65 Elsevier Belgium
- Lee KY, Rahman MS,Kim AN,, .. Kerr WL,Choi SG. Effect of superheated steam pretreatment on yield and quality properties of perilla seed oil, LWT-Food Science and Technology,(2021), 135, 110240 IF=4.95 Netherland
- Sabikun N, Bakhsh A, Rahman MS,…Joo ST. Evaluation of spent hen nugget properties added with ghee and potato mash at different levels, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 1-9. IF=2.70 Springer, India
- Kim AN, KY Lee,Rahman MS,…Choi SG,Thermal treatment of apple puree under oxygen-free condition: effect on phenolic compounds, ascorbic acid, antioxidant activities, color, and enzyme activities, Food Bioscience, 39, 100802. IF=4.24 Elsevier, Netherland
- Kim AN, Rahman MS, Lee KY, Choi SG, Effect of superheated steam pretreatment on the swelling and gelatinization behavior and particle size distribution of rice flour during thermal treatment, Food Bioscience, IF=4.20 Elsevier, Netherland
- Kim AN, Lee KY,Rahman MS, ….Choi SG, Effect of water blanching on bioactive components, antioxidant activities, enzyme inactivation, microbial reduction, and surface structure of samnamul (Aruncusdioicusvarkamtschaticus),International Journal of Food Science& Technology, (2020), IF=3.71 Wiley, UK
- Lee KY, Gul K, Kim AN, RahmanMS,….. Choi SG, Impact of supercritical carbon dioxide turmeric extract on the oxidative stability of perilla oil, I. J. of Food Science and Technology, (2020), 55(1), 183-191. IF=3.71 Wiley, UK
- Sabikun N, Bakhsh A,…Rahman MS, Seon-Tea Joo. (2019) Changes in physicochemical characteristics and oxidative stability of pre- and post-rigor frozen chicken muscles during cold storage, J Food Sci&Technol, 56(11), 4809-4816. IF=2.70 Springer, India
- Yang PC,Lee KY, Gul K, Rahman MS, Kim AN, Chun J, Choi SG. Phenolics and antioxidant activity of aqueous turmeric extracts as affected by heating temperature and time.LWT-Food Science and Technology, 105, 149-155. IF=4.95 Elsevier Netherland
- Lee KY, Rahman MS, Kim AN, Gul K, Chun J, Choi SG, Quality characteristics and storage stability of low-fat tofu prepared with defatted soy flours treated by supercritical-CO2 and hexane. LWT-Food Sci& Technol. (2018), 100, 237-243 IF=4.95 Elsevier Netherland
- Yum HW, Seo JK, Jeong JY, Kim GD, Rahman MS, Yang HS, The Quality Improvement of Emulsion-type Pork Sausages Formulated by Substituting Pork Back fat with Rice Bran Oil, Food Science of Animal Resources, (2018) 38(1), 123 IF=2.47 South Korea
- Rahman MS, Kang SW,….. Choi SG, Yield and physicochemical properties of low fat tofu prepared using supercritical carbon dioxide treated soy flours with different fat levels, Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2018 5(7) : 2712–2720 IF=2.70 Springer India
- Kang SW, Rahman MS,…..Choi SG, Comparative study of the quality characteristics of defatted soy flour treated by supercritical carbon dioxide and organic solvent,Journal of Food Science and Technology, 54(8), 2485-2493 IF=2.70 Springer India
- Kang SW, Kim HM, Rahman MS,….Choi SG, Nutritional Quality and Physicochemical Characteristics of Defatted Bovine Liver Treated by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide and Organic Solvent, Food Sci of Ani Resources, 2017, 37(1): 29~37 IF= 2.47 South Korea
- Rahman MS, K. Islam KS, Hossain MS, Hossain MI, Hossain FM, Khalil MI. Birth Weight Correlation with Conception Interval and Other Factors in Bangladesh New Born, Annual Review & Research in Biology 3(4): 1098-1111, 2013. UK
- Kim AN, Lee KY, Kang JY, Rahman MS, Heo HJ, Choi SG,Effect of relative humidity on the microbial and physicochemicalcharacteristicsof‘Samnamul’(Aruncusdioicus var. kamtschaticus )during storage, The Korean Society of Food Preservation, 2020, 27(2), 159-169. South Korea
- KY Lee, AN Kim, Rahman MS, MH Lee,JI Kim, D Kwak, HJ Kim, SG Choi, Impact of Storage Temperature on Quality Characteristics and Oxidation Kinetic of Perilla Seed, Korean J. Food Nutr. Vol. 32. No. 6, 669~677 (2019) South Korea
- KY Lee, AN Kim, Rahman MS, ….SG Choi, Effect of Superheated Steam Treatment on Physicochemical Characteristics and Microbial Reduction of Mugwort (Artemisia argyi H.), J Korean Soc Food SciNutr, 48(11), 1272-1279, (2019). South Korea
- Lee KY, Kim AN, Rahman MS, Choi SG, Effect of red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) powder addition on physicochemical and microbial characteristics of tofu, The Korean Society of Food Preservation, 2019, 26 (6), 659-666. South Korea
- Kim AN, Ko HS, Lee KY, Rahman MS, Heo HJ, Choi SG, The effect of superheated steam drying on physicochemical and microbial characteristics of Korean traditional actinidia (Actinidiaarguta) leaves, Korean Soc Food Preser, 2017, 24(3), 464-471 South Korea
- Park CY, Lee K, Kim AN, So S, Rahman MS, Choi SG, Physicochemical and Microbial QualityCharacteristics of Garlic(Allium sativumL.) by Superheated Steam Treatment, J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutri, 2016, 45(10), 1438~1446 South Korea
- Kim AN, Sol SA,Park CY, Lee KY,Rahman MS, Choi SG, Effect of Edible Coating on Hygroscopicity and Quality Characteristics of Freeze-DriedKorean Traditional Actinidia (Actinidiaarguta) Cultivars Snack, J Korean Soc Food Sci and Nutri, 43(12), 1942-1947. South Korea
- So SA, Kim JW, Kim AN, Park CY, Lee KY, Rahman MS, Choi SG, Effect of Pre-soaking in Salt and Sugar Solutions before Air Drying on Quality Characteristics of Dried Apples, The Korean J of Food and Nutri, 2016, 29(5), 808~817. South Korea
- Lee KY, Jung JB, Park CY, Kim AN, So SA,Rahman MS, Choi SG, Effect of Pre-soaking with Salt and Sugar Treatments on Quality Characteristics of Dried Top Shell (HexaplexNigritus), J of Ag & Life Sci, 50(6), 2016, 139-149 South Korea
- Rahman MS, Assessment of Nutrition Profile of Pregnant Women in Rural Area (Mymensingh District) of Bangladesh, J of Advanced Laboratory Research in Biology, Volume III, Issue III, 2012 India
- Rahman MS, A Siddiqui, M.A Matin, Comparative study of chemically and biologically raised crackers biscuits, Journal of Environmental Science and Natural Resources, 2015, 6(2), 97-100. BD
- Rahman MS, Saeed MA, Kamrun-nesa, Comparative Study on Food Borne Illness with Probable Sourcesbetween USA & Bangladesh. Journal of State University of Bangladesh, 2012, 4(1) BD
- Rahman MS, Inam AKMS, Alam MZ, Sarker R, Comparative study on the manufacture of strawberry and banana flavored yoghurt drinks from whole milk, Journal of State University of Bangladesh, 2010, 2(1) BD
- Azhar BS, Rahman MS, A survey on nutrition profile of pre-school children in Islamic university campus area Journal of Applied Science & Technology, Islamic University, 2008, 05(02), 89-94.
2019 : Post-doctoral fellowship, Sep 2019 to Feb 2021from Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, South Korea.
2019 : 20th Young Pioneer Researcher Award for outstanding research achievements on Nov 13, 2019,at Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, Republic of Korea.
2019 : 19th Young Pioneer Researcher Award for outstanding research achievements on May 16, 2019,at Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, Republic of Korea.
2018 : 18th Young Pioneer Researcher Award for outstanding research achievements on Oct 16, 2018, at Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, Republic of Korea.
2017-18 : BK-21+ Scholarship, Republic of Korea, for conducting PhD research.
2017 : Best Presenter Award, for presentation on outstanding researchamong the graduate students of the Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, Republic of Korea.
2017-06 : Best Poster Award out of1000 posters presented by researchers from different countries, organized by the Korean Society of Food Scientist and Technologist, at ICC JEJU/Jeju, Republic of Korea.
2012 : Best Teacher Award, from Vice-chancellor of State University of Bangladesh.
2001-06 : Merit Scholarship from Islamic University, Kushtia-Bangladesh for yearly examination result.
Peer Reviewer
- Trends in Food Science and Technology, EU Federation, Published by Elsevier, Impact factor (IF) 11.07, Q1
- Food Chemistry, Published by Elsevier, UK, (IF=6.30; Cite Score 10.7; Q1, SCI ranked).
- LWT-Food Science and Technology, Netherland, Published by Elsevier, Netherland, (IF=4.00; Q1, SCI ranked).
- Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, by Wiley, USA (IF=2.61; Q1, SCI ranked)
- Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, Published by Wiley, UK (IF=1.40; SCIE ranked)
- Journal of Food Science and Technology-Mysore, India, by Springer, (IF=1.94; SCIE ranked)
- Nutrition and Food Science, Emerald Publishing, UK (Scopus cited Journal), and more
- Nutrition and Food Science, Emerald Publishing, UK (Scopus cited Journal), and more
Professional Affiliation
- E-Member : Society of Chemical Industry (SCI), USA, from December 12, 2019 to date.
- Member : Korean Society of Food Science and Technology (KoSFoST) (2015-date)
- Member : The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition (KFN) (2015-date).
- Executive Member : Bangladesh Society of Food Engineers and Technologists (BSFET) (2009-2018).
- Member : Bangladesh Society of Food Engineers and Technologists (BSFET) (2018-date).
- Member : Food Organization Bangladesh (FOB) (2012-date)
- Member : Nutrition Society, IU, Bangladesh.